Constitution of Kingdom of Germany
Status of the text of the Constitution, last amendment: 17.08.2021. Source: “6th Constitutional Amendment Act” published in the Reichsgesetzblatt 17.08.2021. Hungarian and English translation by Roberto Barnai. Last update of translation: 21.07.2023.
Please note that for legal reasons the original German version is authoritative at all times.

“The Kingdom is an opportunity for renewal. It is an opportunity for Us to show already now in a small way how the community of the future will be organized. The constitution of the Kingdom of Germany guarantees that the state will be felt as little as possible and only as much as necessary. The state ‘Kingdom of Germany’ is thereby only a tool for the organization and financing of the community. We also want to show how comprehensive changes in the human community can be brought about without anyone losing anything in the process. We want to show how unconditional love works, want to offer a way without imposing ourselves, want to exemplify what creates freedom from fear and trust, what a consequent serving attitude and devotion achieves without wanting to achieve anything with the ego.
The head of state has the task to guarantee the freedom rights of the individual, to protect the constitution, to make corruption impossible and to represent the state in international law. In addition, the head of state can annul any violation of the law by an organ of the state and restore the lawful state. The head of state is the guarantor of the legal order. The state “Kingdom of Germany” is a playing field in which every person can come into his power and find his task. It is shaped by self-responsible people who have a genuine interest in other people and their personal development. The creators of Our new state should see themselves as servants of the other and be able to live the realization that the other is a mirror of one’s own life expression and a chance for one’s own self-development. The Kingdom of Germany is first and foremost always about people. In this context, the state is a tool for organizing and financing the community and not an instrument of domination. It should promote the happiness of the individual. However, making lasting happiness possible does not mean “stretching out a hammock”.
It means building a developmental playing field that aligns with and reflects the laws of creation. This means for Us to favor the constant further development of man and mankind. Life is change and that has permanence for Us. Only after we have together abolished interest-bearing money systems and replaced them by interest-free systems, we can collectively learn that in an even more progressive world there is no need for money at all. In addition it needs then FREE willingness to perform of each humans and moderation with simultaneous appreciation of the basis of life and each being. Only if greed and the fears behind it are abolished, it needs no more money at all. Therefore, the Kingdom of Germany is a development-promoting community that does not stop at what has been achieved in each case, but celebrates successes and continues steadily until the goal of a community of values according to the laws of creation is reached, and which also then continues to develop into an even more free community of divine people. The communities, regions and the districts are organized from the bottom up in order to exclude the intervention of the state in the daily regional concerns.
From top to bottom, the state merely exercises its supervisory function in order to be able to guarantee the legal order for the individual. Influencing regional issues is undesirable in the Kingdom of Germany and is also virtually impossible, because of the principle of subsidiarity. This principle states that sovereign activity should be carried out by the smallest unit that is capable of doing so. In the Kingdom of Germany, this principle cannot be circumvented or undermined by financial dependencies, as happens today in the Federal Republic and the European Union, because the regions have the constitutionally enshrined possibility of creating their own money, can create their own regional enterprises and also thus always maintain their financial independence. The Kingdom is a mirror of the order of creation and therefore it will prevail and endure, there is no doubt for Us. It will constantly expand and the pace is determined by mankind itself. The more people come to the realization that this high goal can be achieved with this tool, the easier the path to freedom will become. The more people take responsibility themselves and see themselves as co-creators of this future, the faster this freedom will be achieved. It will be a freedom from many fears, a freedom from the powers of darkness. The time of change has come – NOW. Be a part of this change and consciously shape it. You are needed.
May humanity accept this as an offer of lasting peace. We will do Our best to bring this order to the whole world.“
Peter I.
Supreme Sovereign
A note on spelling:
In the Constitution (written in German, the original language of this document), the “old spelling” is used throughout the text of the Constitution in order to compensate for the decline of the German language and to continue the natural linguistic development in as original a form as possible. The masculine terms in the Constitution apply equally to both sexes.
All laws of the Kingdom of Germany are published in the Imperial Gazette, available at
We, Peter, Free Sovereign and Custodian of the new Kingdom, paving the way for the king to be elected and crowned King of Germany in the future by the grace of God, in consciousness of our responsibility before the creator of all being and before humankind, embedded in the eternally
valid laws of creation, prompted by the will to serve liberty, peace and progress in the world, conceiving ourselves to be a servant of God and all people, with this constitution undertaking to show respect towards the whole of creation, the inalienable human rights, understanding between
nations and peace, do determine and proclaim that which follows:
Section I:
The State
Article 1
State Designation
The new Germany shall bear the designation: Kingdom of Germany.
Article 2
State Flag
The state flag of the Kingdom of Germany is GOLD-RED-BLACK from top to bottom with a sun crescent rising in silver, which radiates from the black ground in 21 rays over the entire flag. The state flag shall be proclaimed by law.
Article 3
Form of State
(1) The Kingdom of Germany is a new form of state. It combines the forms of a direct ascending democracy in the organizational form of a soviet republic with a constitutional elective monarchy.
(2) The Kingdom of Germany is an elective constitutional monarchy legitimized by the German people and the German citizens.
Article 4
Modification of the Boundaries
(1) Changes and/or extensions of the borders of the national territory shall be published in an Accession Gazette of the Kingdom of Germany immediately after the legally effective accession.
(2) Boundary changes between municipalities, the creation of new municipalities and the merging of existing municipalities shall require a majority decision of the electoral citizens residing there.
Article 5
(1) The Head of State shall bear the title: King of Germany.
(2) The King, as Head of State, shall exercise his right to the authority of the State in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and the other laws.
Article 6
(1) The King shall have his principal seat in the capital of the Kingdom.
(2) The capital may be moved to another place at any time by the King, by the President of the Council of State, by the Council of State, or by referendum of the citizens. The King shall have the right of veto.
Article 7
State power
(1) All state power shall be vested in the King and the Demos and shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.
(2) The King shall appoint a minister from the Council of State as his deputy. Until the formation of the Council of State, the King may appoint a person authorized by him to represent him.
Article 8
Election of the King
(1) The first King shall be elected directly from among the State Council or the District Councils, on the proposal of the Supreme Sovereign, by the citizens entitled to vote, without debate.
(2) Every German who belongs to the state of Deme and has reached the age of forty is eligible to be elected King.
(3) Only those who have completed a sound education in the fields of law, finance, economics, administration, ethics, communication and the humanities according to the new German educational standard may be elected King.
(4) The King shall be elected for life. He shall devote his activities to the welfare of the German people, avert harm from them to the best of his ability and increase their happiness.
Article 9
(1) The King shall propose his successor and the time of his succession. He may appoint his successor at any time.
(2) The King’s successor shall bear the title of heir to the throne until his election. The successor to the throne shall be introduced to the King’s official duties in a timely manner.
(3) Each successor to the throne shall, before receiving the royal dignity, pronounce and swear in a document, with reference to the royal honors and dignities, that he will govern the Kingdom of Germany in accordance with the Constitution and the other laws, maintain its integrity, and observe the royal rights and duties inseparably and equally.
Article 10
Task of the King
(1) The King is the guarantor of the Constitution and is bound by it.
(2) The King shall not be subject to jurisdiction during his term of office. The same shall apply to any member of the Government appointed by the King to perform the function of Head of State for the King.
(3) Upon the entry into force of this Constitution, the King shall have the power to annul by order any constitutional or legal violation by a State organ or an official, and in the event of annulment, the duty to do everything necessary to restore the lawful state of affairs. In addition, it has the right to introduce its own draft laws to the Council of State. For the effectiveness of these laws as well, the adoption of the law by a vote of the eligible voters shall be required.
(4) Upon the commencement of the activities of the State Council, the King shall resign in the areas of his rights, powers and duties conferred upon the State Council and other organs by this Constitution. The King shall then exercise primarily a representative and consultative function.
Article 11
Representative rights of the King
(1) The King shall represent the State in all its relations with foreign states.
(2) State treaties by which a State territory is added to or ceded to the Kingdom, or State property is alienated, State sovereign rights or State regalia are disposed of, a new State burden is imposed or assumed, or an obligation is entered into which would interfere with the rights and freedom of the nationals, shall require the consent of the Council of State in order to be valid. The King shall have the right to veto State treaties and the right of cassation.
Article 12
Validity of laws, amnesty
(1) Any law shall require the King’s approval in order to be valid.
(2) The King shall have the right to pardon, to mitigate and commute sentences finally awarded, and to quash investigations instituted.
(3) The King shall exercise the right to pardon or commute the sentence of a member of the Government convicted of official acts only with the consent of the Council of State.
Article 13
Loss of royal status
(1) The King may lose his position as a result of his own gross violations of this Constitution or of the penal laws, or if he is physically, emotionally, or mentally incapable for a long period of time of performing this function adequately.
(2) In order to initiate impeachment proceedings of the person of the King, a motion of impeachment must first be signed by at least 51 per cent of the members of the Council of State with their first names and surnames. The citizens of the Kingdom of Germany entitled to vote shall then immediately decide on impeachment. The impeachment shall become effective if at least 51 per cent of the eligible voters approve the motion for impeachment.
Art. 14
If no King is elected, or in the event of the King’s death or impeachment or the impossibility of continuing in the royal offices, the Council of State shall be the supreme institution of the Kingdom. In this case, the Council of State shall appoint from among its members the supreme officer and representative of the Kingdom of Germany. The latter bears the title of President and performs the duties of the King. The time of the presidency is limited to 2 years. During this time a new king is to be elected. If no king was elected, the president has to take over the royal dignity. Further details are regulated by a law.
Art. 15
The State as an expression of the order of creation
(1) The Kingdom of Germany is a form of state which is oriented to the eternally valid laws of creation and expresses its statehood in this form.
(2) The constitution and the rights of the deme, citizens and nationals are protected by the King and the Councils in conjunction with the German officials.
Art. 16
The State as guarantor of the order of creation
(1) The supreme task of the State shall be to promote the overall welfare of the people. In this sense, the State shall provide for the creation and preservation of law and for the protection of the religious, moral and economic interests of the German people.
(2) The State, as the instrument of the will of the citizens, shall work to enable every human being to enjoy the greatest possible degree of happiness, self-determination, freedom, health, education and development of personality.
(3) The Kingdom of Germany shall serve the people living within its borders to be able to live together in freedom, peace and happiness and shall supportively work to align the lives of people with the eternally valid order of creation.
Art. 17
Official language
The German language is the language of the State and the official language and is under the special protection of this Constitution. This entitles the King to take all necessary measures to protect the native language of the Germans.
Article 18
(1) The State shall devote its special care to education and schooling.
(2) There shall be a general obligation to educate. The entire educational system shall be under the supervision of the State. The State shall ensure that instruction in elementary subjects is given free of charge in public schools. Religious instruction may also be given by ecclesiastical bodies.
(3) Private instruction shall be permissible, provided that it complies with the statutory provisions concerning the teaching objectives and facilities in public schools.
(4) The State shall enable impecunious pupils of good ability to attend secondary schools.
Article 19
(1) Public health is a valuable asset and is under the special protection of this Constitution. The State shall work towards its preservation and improvement in all areas.
(2) All health care shall be under the supervision of the State. There shall be only one state health care system. Surpluses generated shall be allocated to the State budget.
(3) The State shall work to ensure that every German has the opportunity to maintain, restore or improve his own health. Through its education and health care system, it shall work toward enabling every person to recognize his own responsibility and to work actively on his own health. The State shall assist all persons in this endeavor by providing appropriate educational opportunities and other forms of information.
(4) Products which impair or are likely to impair health may be subject to taxes.
Article 20
Protection of earning capacity
(1) The State shall protect the right to work and the capacity to work.
(2) Sundays and state-recognized holidays shall be public days of rest, without prejudice to statutory regulation of Sunday and holiday rest. Public holidays shall be announced by statute.
Article 21
Protection of self-sufficient supply
(1) In order to raise the earning capacity and to safeguard and maintain its economic interests, the State shall encourage and support the creation of state enterprises, agriculture, trade and industry.
(2) The creation and maintenance of self-sufficient and regional livelihoods shall be subject to the special care of the State.
Article 22
Transport routes
(1) The State shall give special attention to the development of transportation in accordance with modern needs.
(2) The State shall have sovereign rights over waters. The use, management and defense of waters shall be regulated and promoted by law, taking into account the development of technology and the preservation of the natural foundations of life.
Art. 23
Sovereignty over natural resources
The State shall exercise sovereignty over hunting, fishing, timber and mining, and shall protect the interests of agriculture, flora and fauna, and the earth in enacting the laws relating thereto.
Art. 24
Fair conduct of proceedings
(1) The State shall provide for expeditious and equitable trial and enforcement proceedings, as well as for the administration of justice in accordance with the same principles.
(2) The professional practice of representation of parties shall be regulated by law.
Art. 25
Protection of the natural foundations of life
(1) The earth, as an independent living organism, is the natural basis of life of all living beings. Protecting it is one of the most urgent tasks of the State. The state declares itself obliged to respect and protect this conscious creature and to treat it as an independent legal person with the right to life, physical integrity and health. The earth enjoys comprehensive protection under this Constitution.
(2) Its natural resources are common property. No one is allowed to appropriate natural resources of the state.
(3) Land, mineral resources, water, timber and other natural resources may be private property only in such quantities as will meet personal needs.
(4) All technological processes and courses of action which may endanger the existence, life, physical integrity, or health of the earth, mankind, animals, or plant life shall be permitted only in exceptional cases, only with the permission and under the direct supervision of the German State, and may be subject to taxation.
Art. 26
Protection of superior rights
(1) Natural law, international treaty law, and international law are components of German law. They shall be respected in the State if they do not conflict with this Constitution. In the event of their violation, the state shall endeavor to restore these rights in an appropriate manner. It may avail itself of the services of international organizations for this purpose.
(2) International or other state treaties or rights which, by their application or formulation, permit, promote or involve exploitation, abuse, disregard for humanity, disregard for the rights of the earth or other abuses shall be irrelevant and shall not form part of German law.
State tasks
Art. 27
The State Council
(1) The members of the State Council shall be delegates and the highest representatives of the German District Councils.
(2) They shall be authorized to act for their district, shall be bound by the decisions of their councils and shall represent their district with their vote.
(3) Their membership of the Council shall not be limited in time. It results from the election in their constituency and the succession elections in the higher county and district structures and due to their competence, which they have to prove in the examinations for council members.
(4) The State Council shall create a lean administration oriented to its tasks and the scope of its activities.
(5) The State Council shall decide on applications for the approval and introduction of regional means of payment.
Article 28
Foreign relations
(1) The maintenance of relations with foreign states shall be the responsibility of the State Council, which shall primarily avail itself of the King for this purpose. The King may appoint plenipotentiaries to represent him in individual cases.
(2) Before the conclusion of any treaty affecting the special circumstances of a German territory, the Council of the territory concerned shall be heard in good time.
Art. 29
Ownership of State enterprises
(1) The King shall be the sole operator and owner of state enterprises until the creation of the State Council. Disposals and partial disposals shall not be permitted if, as a result, the self-sufficiency of the German people is no longer assured or the quality of the goods and services of the State declines.
(2) The King shall have priority in deciding on the use of funds.
(3) All surpluses of state-owned enterprises shall be allocated to the German national budget and shall in turn be used to promote the general welfare. Exceptions may be permitted upon application, provided that the natural foundations of life are respected and protected, the personal rights of others are not restricted, and the norms of this Constitution are observed.
(4) In the event of an application by a municipality or local authority, the German State may transfer to the applying local authority individual legislative powers which no longer belong to the local community, provided that this does not lead to the destruction of public order in other local authorities or to maladministration.
Art. 30
Submission of legislative proposals
(1) Bills shall be submitted to the State Council by the members of the State Council themselves, by the King or by the district councils.
(2) The State Council may appoint plenipotentiaries to receive and process legislative initiatives. The plenipotentiaries shall be charged with examining the bills within two months, amending them if necessary, and submitting them to the State Council. In the case of complex bills, an extension of time may be granted upon the request of the plenipotentiaries to the Chairman of the State Council.
Art. 31
Legislative procedure
(1) New German laws shall be adopted by the State Council.
(2) A law passed by the Council of State shall come into force when at least two-thirds of the members of the Council of State have approved the bill and the law has been signed by the King.
(3) A law that has been passed shall be implemented immediately after its adoption by the King.
The state administration
Art. 32
Access to public office
(1) The King shall establish the administrative institutions necessary for the execution and implementation of the laws.
(2) Public office shall be equally accessible to every citizen, subject to compliance with the law and his personal qualifications.
(3) The State shall encourage in its people a readiness to accept responsibility and a desire to acquire civic and electoral rights.
(4) The State shall encourage in its people the willingness to volunteer for the community and to be admitted to public office.
Art. 33
Public office holders
(1) A professional civil service shall be established in the State. The professional civil servants shall be the office bearers of the State. In order to implement the organization and enforce this Constitution, the German State shall avail itself of its office bearers.
(2) The office bearers of the State shall be servants of the entire German peoples. They shall enforce and defend the rights of this Constitution and perform their duties conscientiously within the applicable laws.
(3) Office bearers in the lower and middle ranks may be appointed by the municipal council or by a higher territorial authority. They may be appointed at any time and may also be dismissed in case of misconduct. They must have passed at least level 1 of the new German administrative examination.
(4) Officers in the senior service shall normally be elected directly by the local deme of the municipality. They must have passed at least level 2 of the new German administrative examination. Further details shall be determined by law. Senior civil servants can only be dismissed for gross misconduct against the constitution or criminal laws. They shall be heard before dismissal and, at their request, shall have the opportunity to explain themselves in public proceedings.
(5) Any person in an official or service relationship with the State who culpably violates the provisions of the Constitution or new German laws shall be liable to the community as well as to the citizen for any damage resulting therefrom. Liability shall be excluded if the action of the public official or official duty-bearer was taken to avert an imminent or present significant danger and the action was proportionate. The generally recognized moral laws must not have been violated in the process. Further details shall be regulated by law.
Art. 34
Rights to self-government, accession to the German state
(1) The constitutional order in the German State, in the acceding cities and municipalities and other territorial authorities, in acceding corporations under public law and other communities must conform to the principles of the new German State and to this Constitution.
(2) The cities and municipalities shall have the right to govern themselves upon application to and with the approval of the Council of State. They may establish their own order within the framework of this Constitution. Cities and municipalities shall be granted the right to regulate all matters of the local community themselves and on their own responsibility in compliance with this Constitution. Associations of municipalities and cities shall also have the right of self-government within the framework of this Constitution.
(3) The guarantee of self-government shall also include the right of financial self-sufficiency and self-responsibility. Within the framework of the self-government to which they are entitled, the local authorities, in consultation with the higher council, shall have their own right to create money in strict compliance with the provisions of this Constitution. The New German Mark shall be issued as a means of payment with priority in cooperation with the Royal German State Bank. Own regional means of payment shall be permitted upon application, provided that they comply with the provisions of this Constitution.
(4) The State shall guarantee this constitutional order throughout the German State, the acceding Länder, cities, municipalities, associations of cities, associations of municipalities, other territorial authorities and lands, and shall be authorized to do everything to enforce this order in the acceding territory.
(5) Upon accession of a territory to this Constitution and its order, the old legal order in the accession territory shall cease to exist. Only this Constitution and all further regulations and laws resulting therefrom shall enter into force.
Art. 35
Representation of the people and citizens
(1) In the German cities and municipalities and in the German State, the people and the citizens shall have representation. The respective local council shall consist of the deputies from the local community elected in free, direct, equal and open elections.
(2) No one may experience advantages or disadvantages because of his election. The State shall uphold the rights of all voters and elected persons and shall advocate full tolerance and equal rights for all electoral opinions. No one may be forced to vote.
Art. 36
The administrative order of the State
(1) The city and municipal councils shall designate by direct election a person from among their number who has passed at least the level 1 examination of the new German administration. This person, thus elected, shall be entitled as an envoy and at the same time authorized to act to represent the interests of the city or municipality in the next level of the community-organized administration. The delegate embodies the will of his town or municipality with his vote. He is bound by the resolutions and orders of his delegating body. The delegate shall serve in an honorary capacity.
(2) A body of at least one but no more than three representatives shall be elected from a number of at least seven but no more than 49 representatives of individual coterminous cities and municipalities. These representatives must have passed at least the level 2 examination of the new German administration. They shall be entitled to represent the grouping of municipalities and to act in its name with legally binding effect. They shall be bound by the resolutions and orders of their delegating body.
(3) In this way the free cities and municipalities shall act in ascending organizational form and shall give themselves the structure of their choice. Further details shall be determined by a law.
(4) Every free city and free municipality shall have the right to withdraw from a superior territorial entity, to change territorial entities, or to govern itself.
(5) In the case of self-government without affiliation to a territorial entity, the city or municipality shall have no say and no possibility of influence in the organization of the free cities and municipalities surrounding it. Upon application, it shall be granted a seat again at any time, initially on a probationary basis. The probationary period lasts up to one year. During this period, the city or municipality’s ability to influence regional and supra-regional decisions is limited. In the event of a city or municipality transferring to another superordinate regional authority, the transferring city or municipality shall have a limited say for six months. An exception to this rule shall be granted if at least three-fourths of the councils of the new territorial community agree.
Art. 37
Administrative assistance
(1) All existing authorities within the State shall render mutual administrative assistance to each other.
(2) Each council of a territorial entity shall be obliged to supervise the activities of the council of lower rank. It shall also have the right to directly enforce compliance with this Constitution by order.
(3) In order to maintain or restore public safety and order under this Constitution, a city or municipality may also, in cases of special importance, request and use forces and facilities of other municipalities, institutions and bodies to assist it in its tasks.
Art. 38
The council meetings
(1) Every council meeting shall be held in public. Secret council meetings or parts of council meetings are prohibited. Citizens shall be granted the right to ask questions in the first two Council stages, which they may exercise during the Council meetings. The questions shall be answered.
(2) In the district councils and the State Council, citizens shall have the right of observation. Members of the deme of a district council shall have a right to ask questions.
Art. 39
Legal restrictions on eligibility
The eligibility of civil servants, professional soldiers, temporary volunteer soldiers and judges in the State, districts, counties and municipalities may be restricted by law.
Art. 40
State Constitutional Court
(1) The German State shall establish a State Constitutional Court.
(2) The King and the Council of State shall each appoint half of the judges of the State Constitutional Court, subject to the provisions of this Constitution.
(3) Any citizen of the State may, with good reason, appeal to the State Constitutional Court if he feels that his constitutional rights have been violated. He shall be entitled to a decision on his complaint.
(4) Further details shall be laid down by statute.
Article 41
Aim of jurisdiction
(1) The objective of the administration of justice shall be the preservation of legal peace and the achievement of a stable, permanently peaceful community of self-determined people with equal rights, based on the laws of creation. The administration of justice is to be directed towards finding and guaranteeing just solutions in all social matters for all people. Justice shall prevail over written law.
(2) All courts shall in principle be state courts. Private arbitration courts shall be admitted upon application if they have a legal system and if this system and its jurisprudence are not contrary to constitutional principles or morality.
Art. 42
Ordinary jurisdiction
(1) Ordinary jurisdiction shall be exercised by the State Court and by the courts. The details shall be regulated by statute.
(2) Courts of exception shall not be permitted. Statutory provisions on courts-martial and courts-martial-of-fact shall not be affected if they have been enacted by the King.
Article 43
Independence of judges
(1) Judges shall be independent and subject only to the Constitution and laws. The integration of judges and other organs of the administration of justice into chambers, associations, societies or other organizations shall be prohibited. Every judge shall be obliged, even in his private activities, to take care not to jeopardize his independence.
(2) The State shall have the duty to establish the legal judge. Upon simple request, every judge shall be obliged to prove to the defendant or a party to the proceedings that he is the lawful judge.
(3) Judges of the first instance shall serve in an honorary capacity. They shall be elected directly by the local council members and may be voted out of office at any time in the event of misconduct. Judges so elected shall be accountable to the local council.
(4) A judge of the second instance (senior judge) may only be appointed if he or she has been an honorary judge of the first instance for at least three years and has distinguished himself or herself positively during this time by his or her honesty, resocialization successes and competence. During this time, he must have presided over at least 30 proceedings. An exception to this rule may be made if the number of proceedings in the area of activity did not occur. Chief judges must belong to the rank of citizens and possess high ethics and professional competence. Further details shall be regulated by a law on judges of the Kingdom of Germany.
(5) Senior judges shall be elected directly by the local citizens of a judicial district who are entitled to vote. The judge to be elected must reside in the judicial district in which he serves.
(6) Chief judges shall have the additional task of further simplifying the law and the application of the law, as well as working towards the attainment of higher values and higher morality of mankind. Another duty is to teach in higher state schools.
Art. 44
Publicity of court proceedings
(1) All court proceedings shall be held in public. Exceptions may be made only for the protection of children and juveniles. The details shall be regulated by statute.
(2) All state courts shall operate free of charge for all citizens.
(3) Every court hearing shall, upon request, be recorded verbatim by a clerk of the court and shall also be recorded in full in sound and vision. The recordings shall be made available in good quality at the end of the hearing, free of damage and ready for use by all parties involved in the proceedings.
(4) At the request of a party or in the case of special public interest, the proceedings may also be broadcast directly to the public. If the proceedings are likely to infringe the personal rights of an individual to a considerable extent, publication shall be refrained from. Further details shall be regulated by law.
(5) Every court proceeding shall be concluded no later than 6 months after the opening of the proceedings. Exceptions may be made in the case of particularly complex and/or difficult proceedings. Further provisions shall be regulated by law.
Section II:
Fundamental Rights
Article 45
Inalienability of fundamental rights
(1) The following fundamental rights shall be inalienable and no constitutional amendment or legislation shall ever abrogate or restrict them.
(2) It shall be prohibited for the judiciary to have a corrosive effect on fundamental rights through interpretation. Any attempt may be stopped by the King and may lead to the dismissal of the judge or judges.
(3) The following fundamental rights shall bind legislation, jurisprudence and executive power as directly applicable law.
Art. 46
Human Dignity
Human dignity is inviolable. It is the duty and obligation of all state authority to respect and protect it.
Art. 47
Right to life and physical integrity
(1) Everyone has the right to life. The death penalty shall be abolished and prohibited.
(2) No one shall be subjected to inhuman, cruel or degrading treatment or punishment.
Art. 48
Citizenship law
(1) Every German has the right of German citizenship.
(2) A German may not be deprived of his German citizenship.
Art. 49
No German may be disadvantaged in relation to a foreigner or a stateless person. No person may be disadvantaged or advantaged in relation to another person. No human being (citizen of the Kingdom of Germany) may be disadvantaged or advantaged in relation to another human being. No divine being (Deme in the Kingdom of Germany) may be disadvantaged or advantaged in relation to another divine being.
Art. 50
Extradition, German legal process
(1) No German may be extradited to a foreign country or to another non-domestic entity, regardless of the type of extradition.
(2) Every German shall have the right to be brought before a domestic German court subject to this Constitution. If a German national has committed a crime abroad, he shall be held justly responsible for his acts in accordance with German laws under this Constitution, even if the act alleged is not a crime designated under German criminal law.
Art. 51
Right to the development of personality
Everyone has the right to the free development of his personality, provided that he does not infringe the rights of others and does not violate the Constitution or moral law.
Art. 52
Equality of rights, legal capacity
(1) All Germans shall have equal rights. No one may be deprived of his or her legal judge.
(2) All German men and women shall have equal rights. No one may be preferred or disadvantaged because of his sex.
(3) Every German shall have the same civic rights and duties. This does not mean that everyone is equal to everyone else, but that everyone from among the people may acquire civil rights, that every citizen may have access to public office and to the status of deme, and that everyone from among the deme may hold the office of king.
(4) The enjoyment of civic rights, admission to public office, and rights acquired in public service shall be independent of religious creed. No one shall suffer any advantage or disadvantage on account of his belonging or not belonging to a creed or belief.
(5) No one may be favored or disadvantaged because of his or her disability.
(6) Everyone has the right to be recognized everywhere as having legal capacity.
Art. 53
Personal status
(1) It shall be unlawful to change the general status of a person without the person’s knowledge of his or her legal status. Violation shall be considered a crime against humanity and shall be punishable by the State.
(2) The legal status of a person’s existing personal status may be changed only with an express written declaration and voluntarily and in full awareness of its significance and consequences.
Art. 54
Right of petition
Everyone shall have the right to address, individually or in association with others, written petitions or complaints to the competent authorities and to the Representation of the People.
Art. 55
Freedom of faith and conscience
(1) Freedom of faith, conscience and religious and philosophical belief shall be inviolable.
(2) The undisturbed practice of religion shall be guaranteed if it does not violate the personal rights of others to life, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual integrity and freedom.
(3) No one may be forced to perform military service with weapons against his conscience.
Art. 56
Right to health
(1) Everyone has the right to health.
(2) Everyone has the right to healthy and natural food.
Section III:
Civil rights
Art. 57
People of the State and Citizenship
(1) A German citizen is every German according to the Reich or citizenship law.
(2) Every German citizen shall be entitled to civic rights within the framework of this Constitution.
(3) Citizenship rights shall be respected by everyone.
Art. 58
(1) In the Kingdom of Germany a distinction shall be made between 3 estates. Everyone shall have the right to change his status in accordance with the law.
(2) When a person is admitted to the Kingdom of Germany, he shall be part of the people of the Kingdom of Germany. He shall not be entitled to vote and shall not be eligible for election to the status of Deme. However, he has the possibility at any time to acquire active and passive suffrage and thus to raise himself to the status of a citizen.
(3) A citizen shall be one who has passed an examination for the acquisition of active and passive suffrage and has thus acquired the right to vote. A citizen who has also passed the prescribed examination for the right to serve on a council may be elected to a council or begin a civil service career in accordance with the law. The citizens of the State shall elect the members of the councils of local authorities in a direct election.
(4) Those who have reached the age of 24 and have their ordinary residence in the territory of the State, have solemnly taken the oath to the Constitution, have acquired the right to vote and stand for election, have passed all required examinations, have held public office for at least one year, and have served on at least one regional council may be elevated to the status of Deme upon application. Every member of the Deme shall have the right and duty to participate in elections and voting. Upon request with justified reasons, this right may be waived and the duty suspended for the period of up to half a year.
(5) The citizens shall elect the subsequent new King, proposed by the King and confirmed by the Council of State, and shall decide on draft laws within the limits of their rights under the Constitution.
Section IV:
The organization of state organs and institutions
of public life, rights of the citizens
Art. 59
Merchant Fleet, State Fleet
(1) All German merchant ships shall form a uniform German merchant fleet.
(2) The German State shall maintain its own State fleet.
Art. 60
Freedom of opinion and information, press law, art and science
(1) Everyone shall have the right freely to express and disseminate his opinions in speech, writing and pictures and to inform himself without hindrance from any source. Freedom of the press and freedom of reporting by radio and film shall be guaranteed.
(2) The task of the press shall be to present current events. It shall provide citizens with comprehensive information. The press shall be obliged to report truthfully and neutrally. The dissemination of half-truths and lies shall be prohibited. Within this framework, the press is free and there is no censorship. In case of proven false or half-truth, the press is obliged to promptly retract its representations in the same scope and format and publish a counterstatement. The counterstatement may be given to the press if it does not effect a counterstatement to the satisfaction of the person concerned or the state. The person concerned and the state are also obliged to the truth. In the event of repeated misrepresentation or manipulation, whether in a deliberate or even negligent manner, the press product may be confiscated and ownership of the entire press product may be communitized. Further details shall be regulated by law.
(3) Art and science, research and teaching shall be free. Freedom of teaching shall not release from the duty to teach the truth and to be faithful to this Constitution.
(4) The preservation of morality and the protection of children and youth shall be the duty of the State.
Art. 61
Marriage and the family
(1) Marriage and the family shall be under the special protection of the State.
(2) Men and women of marriageable age shall have the right to marry or to cohabit without restriction. They shall bear responsibility for the community and for future generations.
(3) Marriage or cohabitation may be entered into only by free and unrestricted consent of the future partners.
(4) The care, upbringing and education of children shall be the natural right of parents and their primary duty. The state community shall supervise their activities. The state community shall work to ensure that each member of the community is taught the ability to nurture his or her children in such a way that they respect the natural foundations of life, the laws of creation, human rights and the community.
(5) Children may be separated from the family against the will of the legal guardians only if the legal guardians fail or if the children threaten to become neglected for other reasons. In such cases, the State shall have the duty to assist the legal guardians and to work towards restoring the legal guardians’ ability to exercise their duty of care in an appropriate manner.
(6) Every mother and every single father shall be entitled to the protection and care of the community, in the case of the mother in particular before and after childbirth.
(7) Children born out of wedlock shall be provided by legislation with the same conditions for their physical and mental development and their position in society as are provided for children born in wedlock.
Art. 62
The school system
(1) Public education shall be under the supervision of the State and shall be organized uniformly throughout the State.
(2) It shall be the duty of the State to meet the individual needs of the people. In this connection, the State shall have the duty to include in the curricula of all subjects the latest verified knowledge. It shall be obliged to enable pupils to understand interdisciplinary subjects.
(3) The state shall work to ensure that people grow up to be self-confident, mentally, emotionally and physically holistically developed personalities. They shall respect nature and human rights and promote community, peace and the spread of ethical values. The school shall work to ensure that students acquire skills and abilities to solve personal and social problems in a non-violent manner. The curricula shall be holistically oriented to life and shall work to ensure the health and well-being of the people. The content of instruction shall also include the basic teaching of knowledge in the areas of law, education, economics, money, social behavior, self-healing, basic psychological knowledge, metaphysics and self-awareness.
(4) Parents have a primary right to choose the type of education to be given to their children within the principles formulated in this Constitution. Parents shall have the right to determine the child’s participation in religious education. Religious education shall have the effect of showing respect for nature and fellow human beings and of enabling the pupil to gain his own experience of more comprehensive awareness.
(5) In religious education, the State shall work to achieve a true unity of knowledge between science, spirituality and religion, to increase positive values and character traits in man, and to develop the capacity for unconditional love.
(6) Religious education shall be an ordinary subject in public schools, with the exception of non-denominational schools. Without prejudice to the state’s right of supervision, religious instruction shall be given in accordance with the principles of the religious communities. No teacher may be obliged to give religious instruction against his or her will.
(7) The right to establish private schools shall be guaranteed. Private schools as substitutes for public schools shall require the approval of the State and shall be subject to this Constitution. Approval shall be granted if the private school is not inferior to private schools in its teaching objectives, facilities and organization, and in the academic training of its teachers, and if it does not promote segregation of pupils according to the property status of their parents. Approval shall be denied if the economic and legal position of the teachers is not sufficiently secure, unless the teachers are aware of their unsecured position and declare in writing that they agree with the circumstances.
(8) All school and training final examinations, whether in public or private schools, shall be of the same standard throughout the state. They shall indicate in which subject area a person’s particular strengths lie and shall not be directly or indirectly selective according to financial circumstances.
Art. 63
Freedom of Assembly
(1) All Germans shall have the right to assemble peacefully and without arms without prior notification or permission.
(2) This right may be restricted for open-air assemblies.
(3) On-site restrictions on the freedom of assembly shall be permitted only by state officials if the assembly has violated, is violating, or is calling for the violation of the rights of others in a significant manner, or if the assembly serves the purpose of undermining or eliminating state order.
Art. 64
Freedom of Association and Coalition
(1) All Germans shall have the right to form associations and societies.
(2) Associations whose purposes or activities are contrary to moral or criminal law, or which are directed against the Constitution or against international understanding, shall be prohibited.
(3) The right to form associations for the protection and promotion of working and economic conditions shall be guaranteed to everyone and to all professions. Agreements which restrict or seek to hinder this right shall be null and void, as shall measures directed to this end.
(4) No one may be forced to belong to an association. Legal exceptions shall be permitted only if the association was formed for the protection of the community or for the protection of the rights of individuals, or if non-membership may lead to danger to the life, limb, health or property of an individual or to special cases of hardship for the community. Upon request, compulsory membership may be terminated in individual cases.
Art. 65
Secrecy of correspondence, post and telecommunications
(1) The secrecy of correspondence, post and telecommunications shall be inviolable.
(2) If a restriction serves to protect the rights guaranteed by this Constitution, the law may stipulate that it shall not be communicated to the person concerned and that review by a body appointed by the respective local council shall take the place of legal recourse.
Art. 66
Freedom of movement
(1) All nationals of the Kingdom of Germany shall enjoy freedom of movement throughout the national territory.
(2) This right may be restricted only in cases where there is insufficient means of subsistence and where special burdens would result therefrom for the general public, or where it is necessary in order to avert an imminent danger to the existence of the State or to the constitutional order, to combat natural disasters or particularly serious accidents, to protect the young from neglect, or to prevent criminal acts.
Art. 67
Freedom of occupation, prohibition of forced labor
(1) All Germans shall have the right freely to choose their occupation, place of work and place of training. The exercise of a profession may be regulated by law if certain qualifications are required for the exercise of the profession in order to protect the individual or the general public from danger.
(2) No one may be forced to perform a particular job, except within the framework of a traditional general public service obligation which is the same for everyone.
(3) Forced labor shall not be permitted.
Art. 68
Inviolability of the home
(1) Everyone shall have the right to housing. The home shall be inviolable.
(2) Searches may be ordered only by a German judge who, as a public official under this Constitution, has received his certificate of appointment by a public official of the Kingdom of Germany.
(3) In case of imminent danger, a search may also be carried out by the other organs provided for in the laws and only in the form prescribed therein. If the search is not carried out by a German judge of the Kingdom of Germany, the officer authorized by law to do so shall carry with him a hand-signed judicial warrant of the search. This is to be handed over to the owner of the dwelling. The judge and the ranking searching officer shall both bear responsibility for the search and shall be personally liable should the search not be lawful, not comply with the regulations, or should the search be conducted in a manner that violates the human dignity of the owner of the dwelling, intentionally or negligently destroys his property, or violates other fundamental rights.
(4) The local bodies responsible for the actions listed in this Article shall fully inform the Council of the higher territorial entity of the actions carried out by them in this regard. If the measures affect one or more council members of one or more local authorities, the executive authority shall have the duty to notify this measure to all council members of the next higher local authority and to the Council of State.
Art. 69
Property, right of inheritance, expropriation
(1) Everyone shall have the right, individually and collectively, to own property and to acquire property. The right of inheritance shall be guaranteed.
(2) Ownership shall be obligatory. Its use shall at the same time serve the common good. If this principle is violated intentionally or through gross negligence, property may be communitized. If property is used intentionally in a way that endangers the common good, human rights or the natural foundations of life, the property may be expropriated without compensation and transferred to common ownership.
(3) Outside the provision of subsection (2), expropriation shall be permissible only for the public good. It may only be carried out if the type and extent of compensation are adequately regulated. The compensation shall be determined by fairly weighing the interests of the general public and of the parties involved. If the amount of compensation is disputed, recourse shall be had to the ordinary courts.
Art. 70
(1) Land, soil and natural resources of all kinds shall be common property and shall form part of the inalienable property of the State. This also includes water, timber and all other natural resources. If a common good is in private ownership, it shall be subject to the principles of Article 69, para. 2.
(2) Privately owned or privately held land, natural resources and means of production may be transferred to common ownership or other forms of common economy for the purpose of communitization by a law regulating the nature and extent of compensation. Article 69, paragraph 3, shall apply mutatis mutandis to compensation.
Art. 71
Right of asylum
(1) Any person residing in the territory of the State who is not a German shall be subject to the Aliens Act.
(2) Entry and exit, residence and settlement of aliens shall be regulated by treaties and by law.
(3) Politically persecuted persons may be granted asylum. They shall abide by the Constitution of the Kingdom of Germany and its applicable laws. In the event of proven criminal violations, they may be expelled at any time and with immediate effect.
(4) The execution of measures terminating residence shall be suspended by a German court in cases which are or are deemed to be manifestly unfounded only if there are serious doubts as to the lawfulness of the measure. The scope of review may be limited and late submissions may be disregarded. Further details shall be determined by law.
(5) The loss of the nationality conferred may occur only on the basis of a law and against the will of the person concerned only if the person concerned does not thereby become stateless or homeless.
Art. 72
Forfeiture of rights
(1) Anyone who abuses fundamental or civil rights in order to fight against the state order and against this Constitution shall forfeit these rights. The forfeiture and its extent shall be pronounced by the council of the territorial entity or its authorized representatives. (2) An appeal against this decision may be made to the higher council of the superior territorial entity. The hearing shall take place within one month of the filing of the request.
Art. 73
Violation of constitutional rights
(1) If a person’s constitutional rights are violated by public authority, he shall have full recourse to the courts.
(2) If it is established that constitutional rights have been violated, the State shall endeavor to adjust its legislation and to provide adequate redress to the person whose rights have been violated.
Art. 74
Legal certainty, jurisdiction, presumption of innocence
(1) Everyone shall have the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating his rights under the Constitution or the laws.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily arrested, detained or expelled from the country.
(3) Everyone shall be entitled, in full equality, to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial state court in the determination of his rights and obligations and in the case of a criminal charge against him.
(4) Anyone accused of a criminal offense shall have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a public trial in which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense.
Section V:
The Military Constitution
Art. 75
Military service
(1) Conscription shall be abolished. No one shall be required or compelled to perform military service.
(2) The State shall, however, endeavor to ensure that every German is taught basic knowledge of self-defense, with and without arms, in accordance with his abilities and skills. The corresponding ethics and the necessary legal knowledge to apply this knowledge correctly and only within the framework of the laws of self-defense shall also be taught. The teaching of this knowledge shall serve the purpose of protecting and defending individual rights and the Constitution. It may in no case be used for attacks against other people, peoples and nations or their faith, values and convictions. By professing this Constitution, the Germans undertake to behave in a peace-loving and tolerant manner towards all people and nations and to stand up for truth and righteousness.
(3) The State shall form an army as a defensive army, based on voluntary service. The volunteer must be a German citizen. Anyone who voluntarily undergoes training in the arts of defense, including the use of weapons, to a greater extent than is available to the general public, must possess a certain degree of maturity and high ethical values. Before being accepted into the Defense Forces, those who wish to join must pass a test to evaluate maturity of character and ethics. People who do not pass this maturity test are unsuitable for professional service in the armed forces and are not to be admitted. Further details shall be regulated by law.
(4) In addition to the defense arts, the person admitted shall also learn a profession or take up studies. The skills imparted shall enable him, upon leaving the service of the weapon, to take an appropriate other place in the community. The choice may be made by the enlisted person. The professional or study courses offered shall be oriented to the common good and to the needs of the community, and shall be oriented in content to the second sentence of this paragraph, without violating the principles of truth, humanity, ethics and morality.
(5) Armed formations may be formed and maintained only to the extent deemed necessary for the performance of police duties and for the maintenance of order internally or externally. The detailed provisions in this regard shall be determined by legislation.
Art. 76
Defense case
(1) The King shall have supreme command and command authority over the armed forces and shall prescribe the guidelines of the defense strategy.
(2) In the event of a belligerent attack on the territory of the Kingdom of Germany, the King shall establish the case of defense. In his absence, his Deputy, the Minister of Defense or 3 members of the Council of State shall be authorized to do so.
(3) The King may appoint a Minister of Defense.
(4) Even in the case of defense, no one may be forced to serve at arms.
(5) Except for defense, the Armed Forces may be used only to the extent expressly permitted by this Constitution.
(6) In case of defense and tension, the Armed Forces shall have the authority to protect civilian objects and to perform traffic control tasks to the extent necessary to fulfill their defense mission. Police powers may be delegated to the armed forces for this purpose. The armed forces shall cooperate with the competent authorities in this regard.
(7) In order to avert an imminent danger to the existence or to the constitutional order of the German State, the Council of State may, if the police forces as well as the border guards are insufficient, deploy armed forces to support the police and the border guards in protecting civilian objects and in combating organized and militarily armed insurgents. The use of armed forces shall be discontinued if the State Council, the President or the King so requests.
Art. 77
Prohibition of belligerent acts of aggression,
control of weapons of war
(1) Acts which are likely to endanger, or are undertaken with the intention of endangering, the peaceful coexistence of peoples, in particular preparing for, supporting or participating in the waging of a war of aggression, shall be unconstitutional and punishable. The waging of a war of aggression shall not be unconstitutional if the waging of warlike acts is carried out on the basis of a declaration of war by another people or state against the German people, the German state or the King, if there is an imminent danger and if this act is necessary in order to avert considerable damage to the German people and if this damage cannot be avoided in any other way.
(2) Weapons, weapons components, or goods intended or suitable for warfare which have been, are being, or are to be manufactured in Germany, which have been conceived, invented, built, or the manufacture of which is supervised, organized, or promoted by Germans, may be manufactured, transported, placed on the market, and used only with the authorization of the German State. It shall be forbidden to all Germans and to the German State to export arms, parts of arms, or goods suitable for warfare, or otherwise to take them out of the country, to produce them abroad, to sell them, or otherwise to dispose of them.
(3) Any act of war must be carried out solely in defense of the country or for the protection of its own people. Any assistance to another state, nation or people in waging a war of aggression against another state, nation or people is unconstitutional and prohibited.
(4) Any occupation, exercise of occupying power or exploitation of another state, nation or people group is unconstitutional and prohibited. This also includes reconstruction after a war if it is not done selflessly or is fairly contracted and is not done in agreement with the population of the area. Reconstruction may not lead to forced dependence of any kind on a warring party.
(5) In the event of defense, the German State shall be entitled to enter into alliances. The German State’s ability to enter into alliances shall include the unrestricted support of the Allies for their case of defense.
Section VI:
The monetary, currency and financial constitution
Art. 78
Legal currency, financial sovereignty, interest,
granting of credit, currency issue criteria
(1) The regulation of coinage, banknotes and public finance shall be the exclusive responsibility of the State.
(2) The King of the Kingdom of Germany shall establish a currency and note bank as the State Bank. Any privatization of the State Bank shall be prohibited. The Royal German State Bank shall issue the new German currency in accordance with the principles of this Article.
(3) The New German Mark as a cash currency, shall, upon its introduction, be the legal currency of the Kingdom of Germany in the same manner as the E-Mark as a non-cash currency.
(4) The German State shall exercise sole financial sovereignty. Only the German state is entitled to the coinage and the creation of money. Any other party is prohibited from creating money. Exceptions are determined by this constitution. Further details shall be regulated by law.
(5) Interest and compound interest shall be prohibited. A cost-covering one-time processing fee shall be permitted if it also flows into the monetary cycle. It shall be reasonable and shall not exceed 7 per cent of the total amount of the loan. Loans to the public sector shall be permitted only if the loan amount issued is reflected equivalently in the real value and the right to consumption can continue to be guaranteed by the state.
(6) No person engaged in financial activities shall be favored by excessive grants.
(7) The granting of supra-regional investment loans shall be the sole responsibility of the State Bank. The detailed rules of implementation shall be regulated by laws. Such laws shall be aimed at respecting and protecting natural resources, human rights and the people themselves, and at ensuring the quality of the products created by the granting of loans.
(8) The state is prohibited from borrowing. Circumventing transactions that act like debt are also prohibited.
(9) Investments by the State shall be made primarily through the resources already generated by the State or with the help of money creation. Money creation shall be permitted only in the case of projects that are in the general public interest, serve the public good in the process, have a durable use value and are capable of generating added value, if possible. It is not permitted to construct public buildings or other facilities without a useful purpose solely for the purpose of creating money. In the event of misinvestment, the entire amount of the investment shall be returned to the public purse. Further details shall be regulated by law.
(10) The created values shall be used by the general public. The details shall be regulated by a law. The law shall not violate the above principles.
(11) The export of legal tender shall be permitted only with the approval of the Ministry of Finance of the Kingdom of Germany. It is permitted only for ethically and legally justifiable investments outside Germany that protect the natural foundations of life, respect human rights and serve the common good. Legal tender of Germany that leaves Germany without permission loses its validity. Further details are regulated by a German law.
Art. 79
(1) The payment of direct taxes shall, as a rule, be voluntary. Exceptions shall be determined by laws of the Kingdom of Germany. Exceptions shall be limited to natural and legal persons and other legal entities or bodies which endanger or burden the life, physical integrity, health of persons or the environment as a natural basis of life, or violate the rights of others in any way. The principles of communitarization shall not be affected by this provision.
(2) Charges levied to finance public administration, education, social functions and public life to cover costs may only be levied equally on an equitable basis for all.
Section VII:
Amendment of the Constitution
Art. 80
Amendments to the Constitution
(1) The Council of State may amend this Constitution only if at least two-thirds of those entitled to vote have approved an amendment to the Constitution. Any amendment to the Constitution shall be published in the Imperial Law Gazette and shall take effect upon publication.
(2) Due to grievances or special urgency, the King, in cooperation with the Council of State, may effect a constitutional amendment. Such constitutional amendment shall be approved by two-thirds of the electorate within three months and, if rejected, shall be deemed not to have been adopted.
(3) It shall be inadmissible to amend the Constitution in any monetary matters. Furthermore, it shall be inadmissible to amend the principles of the Constitution in Articles 33 to 36, 38, 41, 45 to 56, 63 and 64.
(4) This Constitution may be amended only by a law amending the Constitution, which expressly amends or supplements the text of the Constitution.
Section VIII:
Reorganization of the territory of the State, Transport routes, emergency regulations
Article 81
Reorganization of the state territory
(1) The German national territory may be reorganized if accessions to the German state make it necessary to adjust the organizational structure or if other events extend the incumbent tasks of the new German state.
(2) Should other states, nations, cities, associations of cities, municipalities, associations of municipalities or other territorial authorities, natural or legal persons, religious communities, churches or other associations accede in whole or in part to the German State, they shall be granted the rights of this Constitution.
(3) Should other states, nations or territories of the territory of the German State which is at present still under foreign administration wish to accede to the German State in accordance with the applicable international law, the new German order of this Constitution shall be introduced in these territories, nations or states by a treaty which is binding under international law.
(4) Other nations and states which wish to accede to the German state or otherwise integrate themselves into the German territory shall likewise be granted self-government and self-determination in accordance with the provisions of this constitution. At the same time, the ties of nationality and the historical and cultural connections are to be respected, valued and preserved. The principles of economic expediency and the requirements of regional and national planning as well as local self-sufficiency shall be observed.
(5) In the case of the reorganization of the national territory, the King shall have the right of veto, should the reorganization lead to considerable or incalculable burdens for the German people, other peoples or the peace. The State Council and, if an Ethics Council exists, it/they shall be heard beforehand.
(6) A plebiscite or referendum shall be held in those territories from whose territory or parts of whose territory a new or redefined territory is to be formed. A referendum shall also be held on the question of which legal order the population wishes to adopt.
(7) If, in a contiguous, demarcated settlement and economic area whose parts lie in several states, nations or countries and which has at least one million inhabitants, one tenth of those entitled to vote demand by referendum that a uniform affiliation be brought about for this area, the law shall determine within one year either whether the affiliation shall be changed in accordance with subsection 2 or that a referendum shall be held in the countries concerned.
(8) The referendum shall be aimed at determining whether a change in affiliation to be proposed in the law meets with approval. The law may submit different, but not more than two, proposals to the referendum. If a majority approves a proposed change in affiliation, the law shall determine within two years whether the affiliation shall be changed in accordance with subsection 2. If a proposal submitted to the referendum meets with approval, a law establishing the proposed territory shall be enacted within one year of the holding of the referendum and shall no longer require confirmation by referendum.
(9) The majority in the referendum and in the referendum shall be the majority of the votes cast, if it comprises at least one-fourth of the eligible voters of the area. In all other respects, the details of referendums, referendum petitions and referendum polls shall be regulated by a respective law; such law may also provide that referendum petitions may not be repeated within a period of three years.
(10) Other changes in the territorial composition of States, nations or countries may be effected by treaties between the parties concerned or by law with the consent of the respective councils or similar institutions, if the territory whose membership is to be changed has no more than 50,000 inhabitants. The details shall be regulated by a law requiring the approval of the respective councils. It must provide for the hearing of the cities, municipalities and districts concerned.
(11) A reorganization of the national territory or parts of the national territory shall be regulated by a treaty. The cities, municipalities and districts concerned shall be heard. The State treaty shall be subject to confirmation by referendum in each territory involved.
(12) If the interstate treaty concerns parts of the Länder of the Federal Republic, the confirmation may be limited to referendums in these parts. In the case of a referendum, the majority of the votes cast shall be decisive if it comprises at least one quarter of the eligible voters living in the territory. The details shall be regulated by a law. The State Treaty shall require the approval of the Council of State or of the King. The King shall have the right of veto.
Art. 82
Case of tension
(1) Where this Constitution or a State law on defense, including the protection of civilians, provides that legislation may be applied only in accordance with the provisions of this Article, such legislation may be applied, except in cases of defense, only if the Council of State or the King has determined that a case of tension has arisen, or if the Council of State or the King has specifically approved its application. The determination of a case of tension shall require a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast by the members of the Council of State.
(2) In the event of tension, the State Council, the President or the King shall have the power to enter into alliances with the primary aim of achieving a peaceful solution.
Art. 83
(1) The State of the Kingdom of Germany shall be the owner of the existing Imperial waterways in the territory under its sovereignty.
(2) The Kingdom of Germany shall administer the waterways through its own authorities and shall perform such governmental functions of inland waterways and maritime navigation beyond the scope of its territory as may be assigned to it by law.
(3) In the administration, expansion, new construction and modification of waterways, the needs of national culture, water management and nature conservation shall be safeguarded by mutual agreement.
Art. 84
Roads and highways
(1) The Kingdom of Germany shall be the owner of the former Reich freeways and Reich roads in the territory under its sovereignty.
(2) In the management, extension, new construction and modification of highways and roads, the needs of national culture, transport economy and nature conservation shall be safeguarded by mutual agreement.
Art. 85
Internal emergency
(1) Emergency ordinances may not repeal the Constitution as a whole or individual provisions thereof, but may only restrict the applicability of individual provisions of the Constitution. Emergency decrees may not restrict the right of every person to life, nor the prohibition of torture and inhuman treatment, nor the prohibition of slavery, nor forced labor. Emergency decrees shall cease to have effect not later than six months after their enactment.
(2) In order to avert an imminent danger to the existence of the German State or to the free basic order of this Constitution, a territorial entity may request the police forces of other territorial entities. Supervision of the activities of these police forces shall be exercised by the superior council of the territorial entity requesting the assistance. The request for police forces of other territorial entities may be prohibited by the President or the King. In all other respects, all activities of these police forces shall cease after the danger has been eliminated.
Section IX:
Transitory and conclusive regulations
Art. 86
Continued validity of earlier rights and earlier state treaties
(1) Laws dating from before the creation of the Kingdom of Germany shall continue to apply insofar as they do not conflict with this Constitution and the subordinate laws resulting from it.
(2) State treaties concluded by the German Reich which relate to matters for which the new German State is responsible under this Constitution shall, if they are valid and continue to apply in accordance with general principles of law, remain in force, subject to all the rights and objections of the parties concerned and to the full sovereignty of the Kingdom of Germany, until new state treaties are concluded by the bodies responsible under this Constitution or their termination is otherwise effected on the basis of the provisions contained in them.
(3) Treaties which have come into existence through indirect or direct coercion, through immoral conduct, through deception or fraud, falsification of history or manipulation of opinion shall remain irrelevant.
(4) Rights or treaties under international law that may violate prosperity, freedom or other fundamental and human rights shall be disregarded.
(5) The King shall decide on disagreements about the continued validity of law as new German law.
(6) The King shall decide on the date of the sole claim of the legal succession of the German Empire, if he is willing to claim this legal succession.
(7) The King shall decide on the continued validity of old treaties and of all rights and obligations under international law.
Art. 87
Legal succession to the property of the Empire
(1) The assets of the German Reich shall, in principle, become assets of the new German State if the assets of the German Reich are located on the territory of the Kingdom of Germany.
(2) Upon claiming legal succession to the German Reich, all assets of the German Reich shall become assets of the new German State, the Kingdom of Germany.
Art. 88
Acceptance of the Constitution
(1) This Constitution shall enter into force upon its publication.
(2) It shall apply to all persons who have their permanent residence in the territory of the German State and who have declared their adherence to this Constitution in writing. Upon claiming the legal succession of the German Reich, this Constitution shall apply to all Germans.
(3) Persons willing to be admitted to the Kingdom of Germany shall be subject to this Constitution by profession, declaration of loyalty, pledge or oath.
(4) Admission to the State of the Kingdom of Germany shall be deemed to have been effected when, following an application for citizenship, the passing of the examination for obtaining citizenship, and the successful completion of the probationary period on the territory of the German State, the person willing to be admitted has been accepted as a citizen with the issue of a certificate of citizenship. Exceptional rules may be determined in a law*. ((*17.08.2021))
Art. 89
Conditions of admission
(1) Before granting the opportunity to make a written profession of faith in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Germany, the King or the King’s authorized representatives shall examine the applicant. Further details shall be regulated by a law.
(2) The beginning of the admission procedure shall be an informal application. It must contain the application itself, the first name(s) and surname(s) of the applicant, his date and place of birth, his nationality and the date of application. Under the application, personal data and date of application must be signed by hand itself. With this application the applicant expresses the consent of the examination for admission by one or more authorized representatives of the administration of Germany.
(3) A successful admission shall be confirmed by a certificate, issuance of a personal identity card and publication in the population register.
Art. 90
Scope of validity
(1) This Constitution shall apply to all Germans in accordance with the Reich and Nationality Law who have been admitted to the territory of the State of the German Reich, defined in terms of its borders in accordance with applicable international law, who have accepted this Constitution in writing by confession of whatever kind, and who have been admitted to the new German State.
(2) The territory of the state is shown in the annex and expands by accession.
(3) This Constitution entered into force upon its promulgation on September 16, 2012.
Art. 91
Definition of German, admission, readmission
(1) Any person who is a German citizen in accordance with the Reich and Nationality Act of July 22, 1913, or who has been admitted to the new German state on the basis of admission in accordance with the applicable international law, shall be deemed to be a German. A German citizen of the Kingdom of Germany is a person who has successfully passed the citizenship examination of the Kingdom of Germany and who professes the values and the constitution of the Kingdom of Germany. Descendants of parents who are nationals of the Kingdom of Germany acquire the nationality of the Kingdom of Germany by birth. Descendants of a citizen parent shall acquire citizenship by birth upon application.
(2) Former German citizens who were deprived of their citizenship for political, racial or religious reasons between January 30, 1933 and May 8, 1945, and their descendants, shall be readmitted to the German state upon application. They shall be deemed to belong to the German state provided that they took up residence in the territory of Germany after 8 May 1945 and have not expressed a contrary intention.
Art. 92
Official power, interpretation of the order
(1) Until the formation of the Council of State and the election of the King, the supreme authority of the State shall be vested exclusively in the Supreme Sovereign. This shall also apply to Article 14.
(2) Until the formation of the Council of State, the Supreme Sovereign shall be responsible for amending and adapting the Constitution to the prevailing circumstances, for ordering the laws and for promulgating them.
(3) Until the State Constitutional Court is established, its jurisdiction and the interpretation of the Constitution shall be exercised exclusively by the Supreme Sovereign. The Supreme Sovereign shall be the supreme judge until the creation of the Council of State and the State Constitutional Court.
(4) Until the creation of the State Council, the Supreme Sovereign shall be in supreme command of the Army, the Guard, the Police and other executive forces.
(5) The election of the first State Council, the first Council Assembly and the first Council President of the new Germany shall be governed by the election law to be determined and published by the Supreme Sovereign.
(6) As soon as the citizens of the Kingdom of Germany have reorganized themselves throughout the entire territory of the Empire and have acquired the capacity to exercise the functions of office and government in an appropriate manner, the Supreme Sovereign shall determine the date of the election of the King and shall resign from the rights and duties determined in this Article immediately before the King takes office.
(7) Immediately after the German peoples have regained their complete independence with the election of the first King in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, Article 92 shall become obsolete and shall be immediately deleted from the Constitution of the Kingdom of Germany.