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The BIOLOGIKA® logo is a registered trademark. If you want to participate in BIOLOGIKA® courses, please consider, that this logo certifies the methodology and contents of the courses designed and compiled by Roberto Barnai. The use of the Organ Atlas for seminars and teaching purposes is (because of quality management reasons) permitted only for trainers with a written license.

The emblem of the Association of Hungarian Naturopaths marks the recognized products, that provide a real help to the healthy lifestyle, to the peaceful, harmonious life – according to the natural healing methods and the holistic thinking. According to the decision of the Presidium of the Association of Hungarian Naturopaths, the publisher of BIOLOGIKA® Organ Atlas may use the emblem and official recommendation of the Association.
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Usage possibilities of the Organ Atlas:
The pictures, texts, illustrations on the pages with green background are freely copyable/usable for presentations, lectures, information dissemination in the field of BIOLOGIKA®, New Medicine, physiology, psychology, alteration-science, etc. But the parts with yellow, orange, red and blue background are strictly protected by laws! Only the owner of the book, his/her family members, and closer relatives may view and read the book. Copying, photographing distributing, borrowing is not permitted. Borrowing the book is allowed only for official libraries. If you like the atlas, purchase your own book! Any use, projection, publication is possible only with prior written permission. Thank you for considering and respecting the mentioned legal rights.
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Biologika Organ Atlas Impressum – Details
This Bio-Logical Organ Oriented Disease Atlas, the BIOLOGIKA® Organ Atlas is an presentation and teaching material, official educational material of BIOLOGIKA® courses. Text, images, editing, translation, printing preparation: Roberto Barnai
BIOLOGIKA® Szerv Atlasz 2021 (magyar változat) ISBN: 978-615-81816-0-0
BIOLOGIKA® Organ Atlas 2021 (German version) ISBN: 978-615-81816-1-7
BIOLOGIKA® Organ Atlas 2021 (English version) ISBN: 978-615-81816-2-4
This Organ Atlas version is the ninth edition in Hungarian and the second in German and the first in English. The well-known expression “Organ Atlas” is written like this (and not as “Atlas of Organs”) because this is an abbreviation, a short form of the originally longer name. The Organ Atlas was designed, drawn, written initially in Hungarian by Roberto Barnai, and he also prepared the present version in German and in English. More than 50 people have contributed to the content and appearance of this book, see the list of names of the professional and linguistic editors, experts, technical helpers, which can be found on the page of Acknowledgements, at the beginning of the book.
Thanks also to the supporters, assistants and advisors not mentioned in the book, who helped in the case clarifications (of about 3000 cases). These case reports have contributed to the content of the Organ Atlas, to the more precise formulation of the emotional contents and expressions. Also in this way, many thanks to the helpers who made their reports and documentation available for the development of the Organ Atlas!
New Medicine Literature: Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: Scientific Chart of GNM, Legacy of a New Medicine. Because of similarities of the pictures and drawings we have to mention that (with exception of some original photos), all pictures and drawings in the Organ Atlas are drawn and edited by Roberto Barnai himself. The anatomical images originate from Dr. Tibor Donáth’s Anatomy Atlas (1985), from the book Illustrated Human Embryology (1972) and from the Internet, which Roberto Barnai has modified, complemented and matched according to the requirements of the Organ Atlas (practicality, understandability), in a way, that the rights of other publishers have been widely respected. Because it is about the same natural science, we must clarify that the Organ Atlas is not a publication of Dr. Hamer. It is a teaching material created according to the Biologika teaching methodology of Roberto Barnai. It is a presentation, information and reminder material for educational purposes, for prevention, for self-development and internal use.
Disclaimer: The informations of the Organ Atlas (and this website) DO NOT substitute medical examination, diagnosis or treatment, and ARE NOT intended for self-diagnosis! Regarding diseases, choice of therapy, everyone must make sure and be sure that he/she makes the appropriate decision, in a given case. In our opinion, the responsibility of these questions cannot be transferred. For insufficient information about New Medicine, for inadequate understanding (resulting from possible inaccurate interpretation) and for the consequences resulting from these, Roberto Barnai and the contributors of the book cannot take over any responsibility.
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The Organ Atlas is available in several languages. If you would like to translate this book or you are interested in the publication in other languages, please contact us: info et
Copyright © and Trade Mark ® Barnai Roberto 2006-2024 – All rights reserved.
The Biologika Organ Atlas was made in Hungary.